Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fake Book Covers is on hiatus

Hello readers,

I'm sorry to say that I was laid off from my job at the magazine earlier this week.

Ironic that this is April Fool's Day, but nope, not a joke. I really don't have a job anymore. I am, however, going to start freelancing like crazy though. So if anybody needs a writer along the lines of Fake Book Covers...well, shit, let me know. Freelancing sounds like a damn good deal. Competitive, yes, but a good deal nonetheless.

So far, unemployment is pretty rad. My roommates, friends and I sat in the backyard grass, drinking cheap beer and shooting bottle with BB guns while listening to The Band.

Though I have much more free time to make fake book covers and their excerpts, I have no access to Photoshop. And this whole website really was just the mindless creation of boredom at my job.

So, for now, will be on temporary hiatus.

One day, I figure I'll get some copy of Photoshop and start this nonsense up again. It was a lot of fun and it kept me writing every day though. But for now, I have no way of doing it.

I hope I at least entertained a few people. I tried to balance celebrity gossip, fiction and poetry, and will do so again if/when this site is making the rounds again.

If you would like to be notified immediately if/when Fake Book Covers starts posting again, please send your name and your e-mail address to

I will seriously contact you personally, and you'll seriously only ever get one e-mail from me.

Thanks for reading, and if you told your friends about Fake Book Covers, well, thanks for telling your friends.

Jake Kilroy