"One-Sided Phone Conversations, Volume One"
by Jake Kilroy
"A White Girl, An Asian and Star Wars"
No, dude, you're never going to believe it...
Yeah, with two girls!
No way. She could easily slip out of handcuffs.
Well, yeah, she's Asian, dude. She weighs, like, 40 pounds. I could probably throw her over my house. I wouldn't though, because that's racist.
I don't know, man. I guess 40 pounds is a lot, but let's just say I'm really determined to do it.
Ok, look, we both know that I failed physics. I just think that I could toss her over. Or at least make it happen with a running start.
Yeah right, the taller one's white. Really nice body though.
I don't know. But get this...I think her dad's in the mafia.
Hmmm...should I?
He wouldn't shoot me for that. I'm totally being good to his daughter.
But I took her out for dinner first. Doesn't matter what happens later, right? I earned it.
Well, yeah, but we were role-playing at the time.
Tarzan and a sexy cop doesn't even make sense. You're combining roles, dude.
No, that's stupid. That's like...really stupid. Why would a firefighter be with Jane? You're switching everything around now. He's a hot city boy and she's trapped in the jungle.
Why the hell would he rescue her in the first place? Are there house fires in the jungle?
Well, it's not helping. You're just throwing out any combination of roles that pop into your head.
No, you're yelling.
Yeah, but it's not sexy if it makes no sense. Princess Leia doesn't even know what a Catholic school girl is. Why would they be hanging out anyway? And then who would I be? Would Luke Skywalker be messing with a school girl's innocence? No way. I'm a goddamn Jedi Master. I wouldn't do that.
I don't know. Jedi's the only religion I know of in the Star Wars universe. Shoot, you'd think that God would've been there a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Wow. Hmmm...maybe George Lucas was telling us all something.
Ok, yeah, Jar Jar Binks would be the Anti-Christ. For sure.
Well, yeah, as Han Solo, you would just have to wear the vest and blaster.
Yeah, but her hair wasn't really all that sexy in the first one. And he was frozen in the third one.
No, I don't want to be them at the end. There's no passion or tension at the end of a trilogy. What about that part where they hook up on the ship? It's kind of boring, but it's something.
That's gross. Don't compare that to the Sarrlac Pit.
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