Am We Brandon Flowers?
by Brandon Flowers
Look, the name of the book is a play on something I said a long time ago. How does no one get my wit? I am clearly Brandon Flowers. But it's a collective effort. So there's also a "we" perspective. I am Brandon Flowers, but we are all Brandon Flowers. Duh. God, how is everyone so stupid? How does everyone not totally think I'm witty? It's subtle, sure, but I'm obviously messing around. But messing around with the language we all speak. Don't you get it? It's all about how people can be persons and can a person can be a people. We are our own strength. Get it? Goddamn, I feel like I'm like the only amazing songwriter left. I'm like Bob Dylan if his mother was poetry and his father was a story. I'm so good that you're head would explode if you could actually answer the question of "Are we human or are we dancer?"
Don't you don't that this album was supposed to make or break us? So I did something drastic. I botched a quote by Hunter S. Thompson super wrong and made people talk about us. "Are we human or are we dancer?" is the best lyric you've ever heard. Why nobody wants to admit that is beyond me. I rule. I am smarter than you. I am Brandon Flowers. And so are you. I am Brandon Flowers. I am The Killers. I am fashion. I am Brandon Flowers. Look at how great my lyrics are. I'm a goddamn genius. I am Brandon Flowers. I am the glory of the almighty. Amen. I am Brandon Flowers. And I am human. And I am dancer.
Get it?
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