"We Are So Great, Aren't We?"
by Kanye West & Brandon Flowers
BF: "I mean, how can you listen to Day & Age and not think I'm an embryo child of Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon and James Taylor? I'm like the songwriter these days."
KW: "Too true, man. Same thing with 808s & Heartbreaks. I am so good that I almost seem, dare I say it?...bad. People can't handle the truth."
"I know. Sometimes, you're just so good that you can see the work of others. It comes to depress you."
"Oh, every time I listen to another album of anybody's, I fart, just to add something to the tracks to make it better. My farts are like clouds made up of laughter, hugs and seasoning salt."
"I'm pretty sure I could do Bruce Springsteen's "Born To Run" better than The Boss himself."
"I bet I could bring Tupac back from the dead if I just asked nicely."
"We are so great, aren't we?"
"Yeah, of course. God, I wish we could high-five so hard we could have a kid."
"But then we'd have to compete against him."
"Yeah, but we could just record each other's stuff and it'll seem like new music."
"That's an amazing idea. I could do 'Mr. Brightside' in a hip hop tempo easy and you could do 'Good Life' to a dance beat."
"Right. God, we're so great."
"So great."
"Like...super awesome mega great."
"Great times infinity."
"Yeah...except...are we really doing each other's tracks or our own?"
"Each other's, because we're so great."
"Oh, because I thought maybe we were doing our owns just a second ago, because we're so great."
"Well, because we're so great, I'm not sure who I am right now and which songs I'm doing."
"You're Kanye."
"I thought you were Kanye."
"Oh...well, I don't know...we sound so much alike when we talk about ourselves..."
"Yeah, I know...what are you wearing?"
"Some stupid white blazer with white slacks and a pink button up shirt."
"Damn. That could be either of us."
"Well, what are you wearing?"
"Some frilly number with sunglasses indoors."
"Damn. That could be either of us again."
"Well, who helped you get famous?"
"I don't know. Some guys."
"Yeah, some guys helped me get famous too...wow, this is hard."
"Well, I've got some feuds..."
"Yeah, me too..."
"Hmmm...what's your religion?"
"Oh, mine too."
"Isn't one of us, like... Mormon and one of us Christian?"
"Yeah, but I like money more."
"Yeah, me too."
"You ever pet the television when you're on it?"
"Hmmm...that doesn't narrow it down at all..."
"I think I tend to lose my temper in interviews...?"
"Yeah, so do I."
"Ah well, you just want to flip a coin?"
HAHAAHA i love it.
tool :)
brandon owns
this had me crying from laughing. SO hard. please join this community on live journal:
brandon flowers is not that bad /:
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