"My First Acid Trip: a glorious account of trouble (or a troubling account of glory)"
by Sam Serrano
And then there was this banana, who I think was my date. But the bats were trying to eat his face, but he was, like, laughing. And the yellow brick road was there, but it was moving. And I think there were snow cones being served by a prostitute. But she was also selling big hams. But the hams weren't really hams, they were like...bats. But not the ones eating the talking banana's face. The clouds were laughing too, actually, now that I think about it. My shoes wouldn't shut up either. And everything was smokey. Well, kind of anyway. I had a report due, but I couldn't do it because my pencil kept crying.
Finally though, after all of the monkeys left the party and the robots stopped dancing, I could hear the stream to a creek that I didn't know existed in the desert. Or at least I think it was the desert. It could've just been a bunch of hyenas whimpering that they couldn't find their way home. I was sure I saw them. But I don't know where they live. Who knows? Maybe The Shadow knows. But he wasn't there. Or at least I don't think he was. I mean, there were shadows there...huh, maybe they're related or something. Oh my God, and then I ate so many freakin' golf balls!
1 comment:
omg! I wish this was a real book. I'd totally buy it. :]
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