"Being Jesus Isn't Hard: Walking on water, and other miracles I can do without trying"
by Kim Orr
The only thing harder than being Jesus is writing a book about it
Can you imagine?
A 7-year-old that was accidentally turning water into wine everywhere she went! I hated it!
My parents were always mad at me for having alcohol in my room and all my friends thought I was making sour Kool-Aid. Naturally, I developed a little bit of resentment for my powers.
And then I thought, "Hey, this all sounds familiar. Didn't this happen in some kind of Disney movie?"
But I was quickly reminded that it was the Bible. This all happened to Jesus some good years ago.
Poor Jesus was just like me, probably going through the same stuff I was: doing wacky things to his friends' fish, having to explain things all the time, dealing with long hair and making good use of wood.
How did He deal with it? What did He do? What would He do these days with the archaic choices of cheap drugs and porno mags? With the computer and television? With ski resorts and beach houses?
Wouldn't Jesus just shrug and start cruising along the 101 listening to The Who? Wouldn't He join safaris in Africa and watch the animals play? Wouldn't He play Scrabble and Boggle? Wouldn't He know where good outlet malls were and go to matinees? Wouldn't He flunk science? Wouldn't He count cards in Las Vegas?
I mean it. Really, what the hell would Jesus do?
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