"A Little Out Of Place"
a novel
by Jason Kornfeld
"He's awful, you know," Mike whispered.
Oh, I hadn't noticed that he's rude to everyone, that he's inconsiderate of the few friends he has left, that he's so unaware that he's the friend that we would let be burned at the stake," said Max.
"Why do we remain friends with him?"
Max shrugged, "Convenience?"
"True, but torturous. It's almost always easier to ignore a friend than to part ways."
Max let out a long sigh, glancing down the aisle to his left. He looked to his right at Michael and then to the stage, watching the dancers swirl and twirl in pink and white. Max sighed again, "Glory be the last soldier dead."
"No, glory be the high officers that pay off the family," Michael said with a grin.
Though Max and Michael were showing terrifying amounts of teeth, the rows around them kept empty. The ballet was only a local production and they were only there to see Juliette. She was not the best dancer on stage, but she did have the most ghostly presence.
"Really though? What of his smile? It's false, isn't it?"
"Sometimes, I think his cheeks were pierced years ago, as if he knew his own friends would sell him up the river just to build a cheap dam later in life,"said Michael, as if a bitter taste remained in his gums, from the cocktail or from the chicken. "He pierced his cheeks so he couldn't cry, so he could seem like he deals with everything in good grace, so he could consider every morning a new day instead of a new war."
"Good Lord, why did you create our friend?"said Max.
"Good Devil, why did you create our enemy?" said Michael.
"And why are they the same person?" said Liam as he sat down. "Sorry I'm late. How's she doing?"
"Pretty good, a few slips, but I'll tell her that she did wonderful," said Michael.
Max and Michael both welcomed Liam with sincere handshakes and grins. Liam wasn't the friend that Max and Michael spoke of with noose lips. In fact, Liam had been done with their friend since the last holiday season.
"God, I hate that guy," said Liam.
"We should form some kind of militia," said Max.
"Hey, glory be the infantry," said Michael.
"Glory be the high officers that pays off the families," said Max with a smile.
"I don't understand ballet," said Liam.
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